Glitter Management 101
Favorite TIP: Remove all glitter first by pressing a piece of fresh tape over all glitter.
Glitter Types
There are 3 types of glitter we typically use in face and body art endeavors. All of these are cosmetic glitters regardless.
1) Wax suspended cosmetic glitter: this is my favorite choice. This glitter can be removed easily with the edge of a business card or debit card. It can be removed with a swipe of dry paper towel though it actually is not as effective as the card method. Whatever is left over can be removed with a wet washcloth or baby wipe.
2) Gel based cosmetic glitter: this is my least favorite sort of glitter to use, though sometimes we do use this kind. It comes off so easily it might be all rubbed away and re-deposited into your coat sleeves before you leave the event.
3) Dry glitter sprayed over wet paint: I do this all the time and left untreated....this one is likely to stay with you and anyone you come into contact with for days. The best way to remove this is using first a layer of masking tape (or scotch tape even) and then followed by a wet washcloth or baby wipe.

Why Else Glitter
I think glitter is excellent for adding that little extra enhancement to any design.
But glitter can also perform other tasks.
In cold weather fine glitter can be used to keep face paint eye shadow from smearing outside the desired shadow area.
Black glitter is my absolute favorite way of protecting black tiger stripes from smearing. Once, I learned that tiger stripes tended to last for hours longer without smudging I never looked back.
Most effectively black light glitters are what really complement black light friendly designs. The design can glow, the Petal Drops Keepsake also glows under black light (if it is made for a black light party specifically) but that swoosh or swoop of black light chunky glitter is often the make or break part of the overall design's effectiveness.
So don't be afraid to glitter